The Eight Deities

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The Eight Deities are a group of deities that have plans enacting everywhere. It it unwise to learn more. Turn back before things get worse than they already are for you.



The messenger of the re

st, and presumably the weakest. They can get anywhere. They can get anywhere. They are here right now. Turn away.


Something of a brute, but they are more intelligent than they let on- they don't like that part of themselves (or is that a lie too?). If an army goes missing, you shouldn't look into it, because you may find 2 at the end. If you do? Well, good luck doesn't quite cut it.


Rarely found amongst the other members of the group, going after their own interests. Hopefully yours and theirs do not cross. What is important to know is that at this point, practically nothing is actually known about the deities, this one included. Mischief seems to be its interest for now.


You are prey.


Sometimes thought to be the mastermind behind their strategies. Likely just a peasant to the ones above it.


You've met this one before, although you did not know it. You did not know it. You will not know it. Do not know it. Stop trying to. It can only lead to misery. For you, and for others.


Ever-changing, a constant metamorphosis. Colors, shapes, non-euclidean geometry. Best not to think about this one.


It is to the others what 7 is to you, while it slumbers. Pray it does not wake up. Beg it does not even begin to open its eyelids (if it has those).


  • There are some that believe that The Eight are actually One. This would be immensely worrying.
  • Is there anything they fear?
  • Some have thought that they were fallible, and could be beaten. There are never many of these.
  • Stop asking questions.
  • .
  • Are they with us, putting tiny little lies into our ears? How could we know?
    Could they even be here?


  • stop trying to learn what you must not know. you will pay for your actions soon.

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