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CyTube is a web service which allows multiple people to synchronize the playback of a video to facilitate group watching without having to be in the same place. The official CyTube instance is located here, but we have elected to use our own instance to score more cool isolationism points.

The Elephant in the Room

CyTube has one annoying problem (at the time of writing) which is that it has to expose a (a JavaScript networking library) endpoint to the public internet. There's no technical reason you can't proxy this endpoint, the configuration file just doesn't support doing this for some reason. This means you have to open an extra port JUST for CyTube which doesn't feel great.

The Other Elephant in the Room

CyTube doesn't document the version of nodejs it requires. Apparently at some point the version packaged by Debian stable (Debian 11 at the time of writing) was dropped. If you're on Debian, you should probably get the current LTS version of nodejs from