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The positive integer, 370


The number 370 is significant around the world as it takes approximately 370 people before you are officialy regocnized a city which is really important for the fledgling nations that spring up in prehistoric times and stuf and also because yougotta get that tince plaque that they send you when you hit 370 subscribers or something so what whas i sayinng? oh yeah370 is aso the number of times i cried in th ebasement after i didnt get the the the that i wanted \. fucking communists. i cant even get a log by bolb changed with thiese fucking communists runnig around ?????? their gender shitting all over the floor, redistributing their shit. i cant ucknig tae it. get me away from theis place wholy shit.


I can do it. I will do it 9 370 times.

The Ugly One


I don't think you yet understand exactly how much 370 of something is. Let me help you: