More Natural Clues

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Revision as of 04:14, 20 November 2023 by Chili b (talk | contribs) (Created page with "In the first level of Deus Ex, the player is tasked with breaking into the statue of liberty (which has been taken over by terrorists). One of the many ways to do this is via the security computer at the front entrance. If the player cannot hack the computer, they still have the chance to discover its login information elsewhere in the level. In order to avoid having the player tediously comb through the level in order to find the information, the developers included...")
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In the first level of Deus Ex, the player is tasked with breaking into the statue of liberty (which has been taken over by terrorists). One of the many ways to do this is via the security computer at the front entrance. If the player cannot hack the computer, they still have the chance to discover its login information elsewhere in the level. In order to avoid having the player tediously comb through the level in order to find the information, the developers included it several times throughout the level. This is good, because it makes it unlikely that the player will miss the login information provided they go look for it.

However, this introduces some awkwardness if the player realizes how many chances they had to find the login information. This is by no means a serious problem with the level, but it doesn't make it feel any less weird to find what is essentially a duplicate of a clue you """discovered""" 5 minutes earlier. There are some sneaky ways for developers to avoid this: you can remove the other clues from existence the moment the player finds one of them, but I am interested in some ways of designing this sort of clue-finding gameplay without any trickery.