Obama Erotica

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My fellow americans, i-i am going to cum

The erotic novel known as The Obama Erotica was written in late 2014 by an anonymous author who goes by the pen name of Mike “Hoocheese” Harry. The novel quickly gained popularity just a few short weeks after its initial publication on Wattpad, a well-known fanfiction database. The story imagines an emotional and homoerotic relationship between formerly elected United States president, Barack Obama, and the culinary celebrity, Gordon Ramsey. Despite its many fans, the US government and Ramsey’s management were strongly opposed to its distribution and have since seized every known copy and destroyed any evidence of its existence. The only remaining copy of The Obama Erotica can be found on the North Sentinel Island.  
The inhabitants of this island located off the coast of India are an indigenous group of people called the Sentinelese tribe, who are known to very violently reject any contact with the outside world. Because of their hostile nature towards outsiders, it is virtually impossible to gain access to this forbidden text from the tribe. The Sentinelese are an aggressive tribe who have eliminated any person who attempts to make contact with the island. One of these attempts at contacting the isolated civilization was made by Louise O. Langston, who had no notable accomplishments other than being an Obama Erotica super-fan. To no surprise, Langston was killed by members of the tribe almost immediately after entering the remote territory in June of 2015. However, she had been carrying a copy of the novel when she was tragically murdered. The islanders were very intrigued by the work of literature taken from the corpse and this inspired them to learn how to read, causing the erotic novel to consequently become an extremely significant element of their culture. The tribe now recognizes the Obama Erotica as their official holy text: its significance similar to that of the Bible in Christianity.